

A graphical user interface for Linux to browse and extract dar backup archives

You can run Gdar not only on Gnome desktop but also on KDE or any other Linux desktop environment. The GUI is written in gtkmm, as backend libdar is used.

On the openSUSE Build Service you can find a rpm packet repository for openSUSE and Fedora to get always the latest version of Gdar:

Gdar is an Open Source project. The source code is available on



Filechooser dialog
Filechooser dialog
encryption settings
encryption settings
main dialog without hidden files
main dialog without hidden files
main dialog with hidden files
main dialog with hidden files
about dialog
about dialog


Open a dar archive by clicking the open button. When the archive is encrypted please activate the checkbox. Afterwards enter the password and choose the chipher options. Please be patient while the index (catalogue) of the archive is being read. The symbol in front of the Name column indicates whether this is a file or a folder. By double clicking on a folder you can move into this directory. By clicking the Up button you can change into the parent directory. Use the switch to display hidden files. To extract a file or folder select it and click the button Extract and choose a destination. The info button (light bulb) gives you a brief overview of the archive.

Prepare when cloning from git

$ git clone
$ cd gdar
$ ./


$ ./configure [--enable-libdar64] [--enable-date_s]
$ make
# make install
# gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/hicolor

Required development tools


You can create a full backup of your home partition with dar by issuning the following command:

# dar -R /home/ -c /var/backup/home-$(date "+%Y%m%d") 

In case of recovery just open the dar archive with Gdar.

For a detailed documentation about the dar command-line tool visit: